
impact investment made simple.


$1.164 Trillions are allocated to impact investing globally. How much of it reaches the developping countries?



a blue and green globe sitting on top of a white table

A global solution

Poverty is a global problem, we need to bring on a global solution!

By concentrating the individual initiative and inputs on real-life development holes, we can make a significant difference. 

Thousand of micro-economy operations turn into macro-economy!


A wide pool of profitable investment opportunities

Firstly deployed in  Côte d’Ivoire, E-Merging will foster all the most promising and impactful projects of the Global South sorted by SDGs, profitability, geographical location and industry type.

This is the place where CHANGE is waiting for you!

A safe place where your assets are protected

Due dilligence and risk mitigating are our motto.

Investing is always a land of uncertaincy but we are paving the most secured path for your assets to grow by beneficiating of governmental incentives and guarantees. 

An effective day-to-day reporting

Monitored reporting on impact is one of the star-feature of E-Merging. 

You can keep track of your investment footprint on a daily basis directly on the platform. With a constant adjustment of the relevant key performance indicators, you will be able the assess the adequation of the project realisation and its theory of change.

Comprehensible legal environment and guided investment experience

JuDi, our virtual legal assistant will breakdown the legal environment of the projects and help you make your decision while Griot, your guide and advisor will make you discover the history, culture and context of the communities that foster your investment.


a blue and green globe sitting on top of a white table

Investing into people!


Communities, projects bearers and beneficiaries are integrated


Investors and entrepreneurs are matched according to their interests


Constant interactions and discoveries at a people-to-people level

Let’s win together!


Chemin de l’Adrest 7, 1212 Grand-Lancy Suisse


+41 76 396 00 93

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